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1 jvic  Mon, Nov 25, 2013 9:16:14pm

If, per the link, the judge and defense attorney are friends, why in the world didn’t the prosecution ask the judge to recuse himself? If such a request was made, it’s not reported in the link.

2 ThomasLite  Tue, Nov 26, 2013 7:05:15am

re: #1 jvic

If, per the link, the judge and defense attorney are friends, why in the world didn’t the prosecution ask the judge to recuse himself? If such a request was made, it’s not reported in the link.

…Really? You do realise that judges and attorneys socializing is perfectly normal, right? Not even law school quite strips us of our humanity, IME.

3 jvic  Tue, Nov 26, 2013 9:33:54am

re: #2 ThomasLite

…Really? You do realise that judges and attorneys socializing is perfectly normal, right? Not even law school quite strips us of our humanity, IME.

You should comment at the link and share your insight about the relationship between the judge and defense. Maybe Melissa Harris-Perry will be so impressed that she’ll revisit the case on the air.

4 ThomasLite  Tue, Nov 26, 2013 9:37:37am

Before even following that link I’ll note that whatever you pile up now to confuse that issue, that is *not* what you were just arguing. I’ll quote your particular piece of idiocy again here, because it deserves to be noted for its stupidity as often as possible:

If, per the link, the judge and defense attorney are friends, why in the world didn’t the prosecution ask the judge to recuse himself?

That is, frankly, beyond stupid. I don’t really see how any other issue makes that a sensible statement. If you’re now saying you didn’t really mean to say what you clearly did say, fine - but don’t go and pin that on me.

5 ThomasLite  Tue, Nov 26, 2013 9:40:48am

And really, that link only shows this one assertion that “his defense attorney was friends with the judge” which is meaningless, as previously stated.

Now I’ve heard reports the judge knew the *defendant*. If that’s true, there’s a potential issue (depending on how broadly “knew” is to be interpreted - “vaguely heard of” is fine, “have drinks a couple of times a year” is definitely not).

Still curious how, in your view, that excuses your post, though.

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